Rangers Lose, Fire Renney
Monday, February 23, 2009
The New York Rangers lost to the Toronto Maple Leafs last night by a score of 3-2 in OT. I'm not going to get into what happened in the game other than lots of shots, no goals, a stupid penalty in OT, a loss - end of story.Then today, I just get back home from the YMCA and what do I hear? Tom Renney has been fired. Well, now the players have absolutely no excuse. I don't want to hear about it. It's all on them now, they have to start playing and prove their worth. It's always easy to get rid of the coach and staff - right or wrong. You can't get rid of "High Priced Under Achievers" in a salary cap league. Glen Sather probably had no choice, even though anyone who knows hockey will tell you it's all on the players.
The word is that maybe John Tortorella will be taking over? Well, if that's the case, wait until the players get a load of him. I think he's a good coach, but he's a tad abrasive and blunt. He actually might hurt a players feelings (Boo-Hoo!). I will say this, if you believe it was Renney's fault - you're dreaming. Players play, players skate, players hit, and in the end - players have to score. I hope they prove me wrong!
Great Night for Howell and Bathgate
Along with the game, I was also present for the jersey retirement of Harry Howell's #3 and Andy Bathgate's #9. I was like a kid in a candy store... Andy Hebenton, Bill Gadsby, Bob Nevin, Vic Hadfield, Larry Popein, Earl Ingarfield, Dean Prentice, Arnie Brown, Eddie Shack, "Leapin" Lou Fontinato, and finally Captain & Coach Red Sullivan - all of which, former Rangers teammates. Simply awesome.
There were also 4 others to cap these legends on the ice... they brought in Red Kelly, Dick Duff, Stan Mikita, and Frank Mahovlich. It was a fantastic night! Your's truly got to sit in the Rangers legends box with Pete Stemkowski, Gilles Villemure, Ed Giacomin, Rod Gilbert, Brad Park, and Carl Brewer's wife, Sue.
After the game, there was a party at the Plaza Hotel that was Marvelous. My wife Lisa and I had the great pleasure of talking to Frank Mahovlich and his wife on the way to the hotel. It was truly an honor to be around these hockey greats. I would like to, yet again, thank the New York Rangers for this special privilege. Over and out!
Hey Chris.
Good to hear you spent a good moment yesterday at the Garden! Was about time for the organization to recognize some heroes from the past. Like I was writing on my blog, I have been a bit upset by some so called fans who booed the players during the ceremony and by the lack of people attending to it...
So, that's it Renney is gone. The blame for the recent results is not to put completely on his back, I agree. But Renney was the easiest piece Sather could sacrifice on his chessboard. He can't sacrifice Redden, Gomez or Drury, well not yet in any case. Even though a trade is possible either at the deadline or this offseason.
The team is falling apart a little more after each loss, something had to be done. Now, to know if that was the right call, time will tell, but the fans deserved an answer from Sather. Renney was the obvious call for many reasons. Even if he didn't deserve it completely.
Do you think, in the case Tortorella is hire, that may be a problem to bring back Avery on Broadway?
Jeff: Jeff, I agree with the notion it was long overdue.(Some people don't know who these guys are?) Way to much time had passed to recognize Howell and Bathgate the way they should have. Better late than never.
In the end it was still a great night fore these two legends of Ranger history. I am glad I was there to witness it.
Now on to Renney's firing. You are correct in that it's always easy to get rid of the coach, rather than the players (I know a few I would like to see moved).
The players are positively all out of excuses now Jeff. I don't want hear anymore from the Captain or others. They are out of options and quotes.
Certain players must start earning their paychecks, because they haven't all year. Some for two years.
No, I do not believe Avery would pose a problem for Tortorella, the problem might be getting him before some other team snatches him up.
Hey Chris yes i did hear about the firing of Renney on a toronto radio station today. We will see if the players will wake up like u said,it also makes me wonder why Glen Sather is still there,i do not think they have done much under him from what i heard, i am not sure Chris you would know more than me regarding Sather's situation and time in New York.
Mr.Greek Mr.Greek, to often we place all the blame on the coaches and management.
Sometimes that is the truth. In this case I believe players have grossly underachieved period.
Glen Sather is not to blame here. Trust me. The players are now out of excuses. It's all on them now.
I am happy Renney is no longer behind the Rangers bench. He has been relieved of making game time decisions on personel as well as creating line combinations. Renney will no longer be in charge of when to have practice. Nor will he be running the practice drills. Reney is no longer coaching the power play. Along with Pern, Glen Sather has excorcised the main culprits responsible for all on ice schemes. Whether it be the zone defenses or the break out or the offense. It will not be soon enough for me to hear the MSG PA announce "Ladies and gentlemen. Please scratch number 15 Blair Betts and number 28 Colton Orr from your lineups"
JohnM: JohnM, You got your wish, now the players have no excuses. They are completely out of them(Fans as well).
Time to show up
John M..why would you scratch Blair betts and Colton Orr..they were never the problem...your lack of hockey knowledge shows by that statement...the 4th line for its purpose has been the only line that preformed for what it was intended to do and preformed extremely well at that...Blair Betts has made only one glaring error that cost the team and even that call in OT last night was ..well for a lack of a better term horseshit call by the ref.. they have never been the problem..point the finger where its deserving...Gomez, Drury, Naslund, Zherdev, Redden, Kalinin, Roszival as of late add Staal to that mix heres the deal. lets not forget that Dubi, Staal, Dawes are only 2nd year players and their mistakes can be much more understood than the group of veterans that we have who have not preformed... Give credit where its due and point the finger where its due...i'll defend the 4th line all year long..no offense has been meant to you John...just my opinion..Chris, Torts...Lecavalier possibilities??
Leatherneck: I don't believe the 4th line has been a problem.
Now we'll find out what the 1st,2nd,3rd lines can do or not do.
Vinnie? I'd take him a second if available.
I don't have problem with role players when a smart coach uses them as role players. Those fourth line spots can be utilized for another type of line on nights when the need is for young swift skilled prospects And on other nights when it gets a bit rough you start Orr Blair Betts doesn't start every night on my team. Sorry. I don't see him as valuable
Kots---The Big M looked great!--trade deadline next week--I hear alot of get this guy or that guy--salary cap my friends--we only have 1 mil. of space to play with---remember when we didn't use the word ONLY when we refered to one million bucks???---If it was up to me and I only had one mil to spend I'd go after someone like a Gomez or a Drury maby a Naslund or a Redden to Q.B the PP----oh---wait a minute I knew those names sounded familiar--we already are stuck with them---we just pay them a tad more than one mil!!!---sorry my mistake-----Renney------It's a damn shame when a coach that is close to 40 games over .500, gets canned for nothing to do with hockey smarts----it's what have you done lately--to bad you can't ask that of these mutt players--mutt team leaders!!!---the guy was dumped because he could'nt make chicken soup with chicken shit---we knew even after a nice record in Oct. that this bunch sucked---bottom feeders--I said it all season--I wish I was wrong, but it was easy to see that it was more luck than skill that put them on top for a while--the luck ran out--for us and Renney---he is a good man--a good all around coach behind the bench,but way too good to his mutts--he made mistakes they all do--I always felt that a penalty for too many men on the ice was the coaches falt--and we had our share of them--but he was a capable coach at home and even more importantly on the road---he was dumped because of his own doing---he was too patient--too forgiving---he believed in his leaders too much--he put too much faith in a bunch of coach killers---you never put your fate in someone elses hands---he did---this bunch knew that he was drowning--what did they do??--did they pick it up??---no-- they let him go down--a few guys played hard, the same bunch that busted their ass for him all year---he believed in team leaders-even when they showed they didn't deserve it--he gave the C to someone who has the emotion of of my man R.P. McMurphy from cukoo's nest--AFTER THE LABOTOMY--this guy is still being raved about for his Little League exploits--Gomez says its on us--no shit Scotty--I could go on, but like I said ...you can't make chicken soup out of...No he was fired because he treated this bunch like men--he never de-balled them in public--he stuck by them when it was his neck that was on the block--and thats all his own fault---so now he's gone --he's history --we won't see him or hear him with the Rangers again---Like Fat Clemenza said --oh you won't see him no more!!---well the Garden un-faithful who called for his neck got their wish---probably the same ones who booed Malik when he was here---for me I'd rather see Malik out there than Redden or Kalinin--how about you?If these coach killers think Tortarellais gonna have faith and patience and die waiting for them--they are in for a rude awakining---the free ride is over--he should haver all the mirrors taken out of the showers--I mean why would they need them--you don't think they can actually look at themselves do you?--the C and the A's should be taken off the sweaters--leadership on and off the ice is the reason for those honors--not because the size of their contracts--I'd like to see some of the big money guys earn their ice time-otherwise it's healthy scratch time.---I'm wondering if He'll ask Drury or Zherdev, just what in the hell is it that they do in the defensive zone???---do they realize they have a job to do once they get back??--It's going to be interesting to see how these mutts react to a coach that treats them like they play--Tom Renney's firing had nothing to do with hockey---it had to do with treating this bunch like grown men and than being let down by them--the guy is 54 and still learning--for his sake I hope he learned that you can't believe or trust anyone but yourself----sorry to see you go coach ---this bunch didn't deserve a man like you !!
Mr.Hockey: Where you been? We have missed your eloquence and style.
You have hit on a few points that I agree with. It's now in the hands of the so called "Mutts" as you so kindly refer to them as.
The players are all out stories, options,and excuses. Time to play. They have no choice.
Read it and weep. Goodbye Betts and Orr 's 5 on 5 ice time finally.
From Torts press conference :
- He has no desire to roll four lines.
"Your best players need to be your decision makers and be given every opportunity to win hockey games for us."
- He believes Henrik Lundqvist is the best goalie in the league, which will help the development of the Rangers' younger defensemen.
Great minds think alike! LOL!
I am very frustrated with this team.. here is some sad comic..Gomez shall be called blowmez, Drury is now dreary, Naslund is now known as hasbeenlund, Redden has changed his name to dreaden, Roszival stinkyval, Zherdev has become french is now known as Merde'ev, Staal has been on a stall doing what I dont know...They are dreadful Chris, no confidence in themselves and loss of trust in teammates by certain players as mentioned above,,,have they been finger pointing? This team can not remain the same
Leatherneck: I can't disagree with you. I just can't figure out where the goals are going to come from?
I would believe they would like to make changes, but I believe it will be a hard sell because of the size of contracts.
Come on, let's be patient. This team lost his confidence MONTHS ago, do you think they will turn into a better team in a snap? That's impossible, Tortorella is not a magician, he doesn't even know the players. Give them a couple of games to try to isolate the issues and to try to fix some of them.
Personally, I like what I've seen on the ice yesterday. The two first periods showed some really interesting things. A team a lot more aggressive on the forecheck, resulting in some good opportunities. The power play even though, still not the number one in the league was a bit more aggressive too, and what to say about Redden's first goal since October the 10th? Come on. He has not play a so inspired game in a while, went to the puck, taking some risks he didn't take in Renney's system.
The team looked a bit tired in the third, no doubts, Tort's changed considerably what the guys were get used with. A lot more of ice time for some players, they just need to find the right pace. Redden's first goal in 50+ games!!!! Naslund's first fight since 1993!!! A coincidence? I don't think so. Ok Gomez was just awful, I can't disagree with that. But look, the coach and the players had only one day to know each other, one day to fix this confidence issue lost months ago. Be patient Leatherneck, these players showed a lot more of fire in their game yesterday than in the last 3 gathered...
Jeff: I am willing to accept that there will be a period of "Getting to Know" the team for Tortorella.
The scoring problem has been there all year and you think it's going to change this late in the season?
Also trust me on this. When a new coach takes over, you as a player absolutely make sure that you are not one of the ones he deems a problem.
Players know that they are being watched by the new coach.
Therefore the extra energy that we saw, fight by Naslund, more hustle, is all systematic of the firing of Renney.
I've been on teams where the coach was let go and that's how it is.
I hope that they turn it around real fast, starting with the Panthers ...BIG GAME!
I don't think so the scoring issues will be solve so easily, but if the players keeps to move forward aggressively, I'm confident we'll score some goals soon. And these goals could come from the rear guard as well. The blue line was a bit more pushing yesterday, Girardi took a lot of shots, Staal rushed more etc. If we can create more traffic in front of the nets, that will pay at some point, at even strength or on the power play. A big win tonight or Saturday would be really welcome.
Jeff: I hope your right, tonight's game is huge.
Hey Chris great game for us Leaf fans last night. Tosakla played well, i think he might need surgery after the season is over from what i heard.
Hey Chris great game for us Leaf fans last night. Gomez looked lost out there last night. Toskala played well
Okay Chris my original comment came up twice who knows why i thought i would let you know, i know some Leaf fans are nuts but iam okay!!
Mr.Greek: I think the Leafs were fortunate last night. The Rangers can't score and it kept the Leafs in the game.
I've always said that the Leafs this season are fun to watch. No lofty expectations were presented as it's a cleaning out year for the new regime.
Hey Chris,
And here we go again. That's just crazy, they simply can't put that freaking puck into the nets. Has been the same all season long but tonight we reached a paroxysm. I don't believe what we saw. Would they even be able to score in an empty net!? Anderson made some huge saves anyway, let's give him some credit.
I like the new system, the team plays higher, especially the D, We give out less opportunities to our opponents. But since we don't score, I guess that's not important. Dark days ahead, Rangers fans are put in sever test this year.
Jeff: I am just about to write up my story for the game. It's frustrating to watch.
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