Déjà vu in Beantown, Rangers Lose 1-0
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Rangers have been here before. Shutout for the second straight time in two appearances in Boston by the same score, 1-0. Blake Wheeler's 1st period goal turned out to be the game winner as the Rangers came up firing blanks.If you don't score, you can't win and that's the reality of it as I compared this loss with the previous shutout in Boston. It was eerily similar. First, the score was 1-0... that's obvious. Both games the Rangers outshot Boston. There were not many penalties called. Matinee starting times... strange, but true. Here's the facts: with everything on the line, getting a break with Atlanta beating Florida last night, the Rangers best players couldn't come up with the goods today. As coach John Tortorella is often quoted, "Your best players have to be the best players night in and night out". That didn't happen today, plain and simple.
The Rangers had, in my estimation, about 3 or maybe 4 good chances to score. The best of these scoring chances was by Lauri Korpikoski who's wristshot beat Tim Thomas cleanly but rang off of the post. Close, but no cigar, folks. Another great opportunity occurred when Sean Avery hit Tim Thomas in the back of the head lightly with his stick (a cheap, but effective move). This allowed the Rangers to go to a 4-4 situation, which later turned into a 4-3 after Marc Savard checked Gomez from behind leading a Rangers PP. The ensuing result: no serious chances to score. A message to the players on the PP... stop thinking and shoot. If you don't score, find the puck again and shoot the puck again. It's not that difficult. You make it difficult when you over-think and try to make the perfect play. By the way, I'd really like to know if Avery received the penalty because of the instant replay? Also, how does Tim Thomas only get 2 minutes for roughing? He clearly delivered a shot to Freddie Sjostrom's face with his blocker glove. That could of done some serious damage.
Overall, the end was result was a critical loss for the Rangers. Not only did this loss bring the Florida Panthers back into the picture, but it also left the Buffalo Sabres breathing as well. Give Boston credit, they shut down the Rangers offense. They never gave the Rangers much hope in today's game. Well, now there are 3 games left for the Blueshirts... things are definitely getting tight. Can the Rangers nail down a playoff spot? Only time will tell. Over and out!
Chris, would the pp be any worse, if Torts uses 5 fowards. Drury seems comfortable at the point, and maybe use Callahan on the other point. You are right, the pp is thinking to much, they aren't reacting. You called me "YE of Little Faith", well I was hoping to be wrong about R.I.P. but it is really coming down to the wire. We all are going to be scoreboard watching, and alot of flipping the channels on the Dish from game to game. Lets hope the scores go in our favor. Geno
Geno, You might be right in the end about the R.I.P.
I'm not sold with Drury on the point. Not a good enough passer or shooter. Then again who is?
It's not over yet. It is sad to be scoreboard watching in stead of taking care of business yourself.
That's where we stand with the Rangers.
Kots--long time no write--I wanted to just watch for a while and see what shakes out ---looks like more of the same--- no question they are more competative--putting the screws to the other guys,is always better than backing up---they play with a bit of PUSH now and even more obvious is they have some PUSH BACK (no thanks to the captain)---Gomez still reminds me of the Roberto Duran of hockey--- HANDS OF STONE---I can't even talk about all of his giveaways, because my wife will kill me if I puke on the keypad---I guess a new coach can't make Drury win a bigger share of the draws---this guy has the pizzaz of a ping-pong ball--he said after todays loss that he hopes that " we can LEARN something from the game "---what the #$!& does that mean???--- 3 games left and we're down to praying that Florida and Buffalo get beat because it's pretty much out of our hands now---I hope he learned that much---Torts must feel cornered when he looks on the bench late in the game and comes to the realization that 13-19-23-91--just don't get it done and yet this is the hand he was dealt---Avery--It must be that one of his seconds had to be related to the Troll Commish--because if these on ice officials are'nt under a directive from the league to wear blinders when it comes to Avery than they are just about the all time worst bunch that ever skated in the NHL---Callahan skates game in and game out like a call-up from Hartford---WHO WANTS TO STAY IN THE BIGS---how far down the food chain would we be if we did'nt have one of the BEST in the nets for us???--It really hurts to say it, but I said it all season---BOTTOM FEEDERS---not everyone cares for him, but Bill Parcells once said--"you are what your record says you are"--does it get any more real than that???--their record sucks because alot of the big money players suck---I was hoping to be able to go to a playoff game or two this year, but as my dad told me many decades ago---"hope in one hand and crap in the other--which one fills up? "---Now I have to hope other teams loose,because our scorers still dont score!!!
What can one say? they lost, can't put one in the net.....
Avery needs to go..........
Mr.Hockey, Nice to see you haven't lost your eloquent ways. You do come up with some gut rippers LOL.
There's really not much to say, I think you have nailed it.
I have another saying "It is what is" and it fits this team.
kittylarue, Same problem the Rangers have had all season "the scoring part".
In a time when you needed it the most they came up 0 goals.
Why does Avery have to go?
Kots---one more burr in the pants---I love Grapes--I agree with just about every thought that come out of his mouth--and the man can dress,but his ripping Avery is wrong---I get the feeling he based his opinion by watching the high-lights from ON THE FLY and did not watch the game---He probably still has a hard one for Avery since he made his comments about the fine folks out in Toronto a few years back eh !!
Mr. Hockey We have to give Grapes his due. I don't think people quite understand his rhetoric sometimes.
Did he blow it out of proportion? maybe, but it is Sean Avery so you know there are haters no matter what.
That being said what Avery did today could be considered a cheap shot. Probably was but I've seen worse in a mens beer league.
If not for Avery what player shows any kind of emotion or being alive on the ice? Maybe Callahan by his play. Can't think of anyone else.
Avery deserved a penalty on the play, no doubt about it. But, it's complete bull that the refs called the play by watching the jumbotron! It was pretty obvious by watching the game on TV that no ref made a call, they allowed Avery to sit at the bench and then only after the play was shown at the arena on the big screen was Avery given a penalty.
Was it a cheap shot? Yeah, sure it was. It wasn't an attempt to injure, it was Avery trying to knock Thomas off his game and get in his head a little. Unfortunately it didn't work.
Grapes is always talking about Crosby. Funny thing is, I never saw him calling out Crosby for this cheap shot:
Watch the video from the 45 second mark on.
Oh, well - hope they can bang out a few wins against Montreal and Philly or the season is over.
Most anyone can understand wanting to get under the skin of the other team, but that stick to the head, was not what the Rangers needed, maybe my saying he's got to go, was a bit much...just my frustration.....
could there be some sustained, fire and desire from someone else on the team....(besides Sir Callahan)....
Saying Avery needs to go was 'a bit much'? Please - I understand why other teams & fans don't like Avery. But, how can any Ranger fan watch this team on a nightly basis and not understand what Avery brings to the table? He was trying to spark the team in a huge game. Stick to the head? It was a love tap. You make it sound like he McSorley'd him!
Puck Central, Sure Avery deserved the penalty only if they caught it in real time. To call it after a replay is a another joke provided by the NHL.
I know Don Cherry from my time in Toronto he's a good man generally speaking. He's way off base with Avery.
The Crosby video is a perfect example of the league falling in love with the "Chosen one". In Avery's case it's the complete opposite.
I agree two wins might do it for the Rangers but then again it might not.
kittylarue, I believe all Ranger fans are frustrated and understand yours. I didn't even want to write my blog after the game.
If there is anyone else on this team other than Avery or Callahan who bring it night after night, I haven't seen it.
They have three games to show why they are worthy of a playoff spot or not.
Puck Central, I seen a lot worse in my day. Unfortunately it was the "Demon Child of the NHL" so it get's blown out of proportion.
Just wondering if the NHL will look at Tim Thomas for punching Sjostrom in the face with the "Blocker Glove"on. That was more dangerous than what Avery did wasn't it?
Hi there Chris...iys appearing more and more like we will face the Bruins in the 1st round or not even make the playoffs..I think we match better against the B's than we would Washington so it may be a blessing in that regard...If you noticed...Montreal has shown heart the last 3 games or so...something I am thinking this team lacks or..its just no balanced talent and scoring depth...or combination of the 2..what I do know...this team has to make changes in the off season and thats to get rid of atleast 3 players i know of for sure...Redden, Roszival and Naslund...then sign Antropov over Zherdev if we have to choose 1 over the other...off season signing has to be Kommiserek and thats plausible as Montreal has too many high priced D-men in Markov and Hamrilik under contract already...I also think we need to take a strong look at Byers, Potter, Grachev and Del Zotto next year...and sign Orr and Betts...Sjostrom can be let go if Byers can step up on the 4th line Latelty Zherdev has been very aloof..is it Torterella or is it Zherdev..hard to pin point that one
Avery does not have to go..itentional or not..that was a brilliant move..stick to the head of Thomas...if you recall...we lost by a shut out...anything to get Thomas off his game was worth a short...fact is..if we had scoring..that wouldnt have occured and I was proud of Avery for doing that..I knew what he had in mind and frankly..i smiled when he did that...brilliant tactic..just didnt work..because we cant score consistantly...also..not long after that call...we went on the powerplay...kitty...still think ii was a bad move? Agree with me on that Chris?
If we make the POs, with the help of Florida and Buffalo or not, it's 90% sure now, we'll clinch the 8th spot, and then face the B's. A (maybe) long and low scoring series, but I think we can come out of this first round against Boston.
What Avery did (even questionable, no doubts) may have his importance during the series, I know, that looks naive said like this, but let's look further than the simple and dumb shot in the head. No doubts Avery got under Thomas's skin with this move, that was somehow brilliant, and that could be a huge factor at some point in the series. That could worked yesterday, came a bit late maybe, but the momentum was close to tip on our side, so bad our PP couldn't score.
Sure we didn't score yesterday, but that's more or less the same for a while now when we face Boston, even last year with Jagr, Straka and Shanahan we couldn't score.
Just to say that we can't do much now, one week to go, it's up to the players, and to complain about X or X will not help now, it will be wiiiiiiiidely time to do so in the off-season. The team needs us now, we must push behind them, whatever the name on the back is, Gory or Drumez, Dubery or Avinsky.
Leatherneck, I'm not sure who would be a better choice Boston or Washington.
Getting shutout twice by Boston in Beantown is no fluke.
With Washington at least the Rangers can score against them as Washington's overall D and Goaltending is suspect to me anyway.
The Ranger problems are the same ones they've had since the 1st game. Lack of Scoring, Team Toughness, and Depth.
We will have to wait and see how the Rangers attack the off season to address the problems.
As for Avery's "Tap" on Tim Thomas, No I don't think it was as outrageous as some people have made it.
That's what Avery does, He's a pest who may or may be not on the very edge of the rulebook.
Is he borderline dirty? Maybe, but it's the dirty work no one on this team is willing to do outside of Colton Orr.
Jeff, Anything can happen if you make the playoffs. That's the one thing I do know.
Your assessment on Avery has some merit to it. Nice observation by you.
If the Rangers make the playoffs it's a new season, but they will go into it with the some problems.
Who is Tortorella to turn to in the clutch?(Scoring Wise)
Can the "King" keep the goals against down low enough to give the Rangers a shot?
Are they physical enough to play with the more physical teams, let alone endure a long series?
These are questions that need to be answered.
Yes, We as Ranger fans should support them down the strecth. I'm all for that.
Our support however unwavering should absolutely not absolve the players for their predicament that they alone put themselves in. They fired Rennie because of them didn't they?
I found the article below earlier today, I'd prefer to go 3-0, but that's still good to know what are the different scenarios that keep us into the POs frame. That will come up tomorrow or Tuesday on our network anyway... :)
PIT-FLA starting, damn it, already 1-0 Panthers.
Rangers have three games left and 89 points; Florida has four games left and 87. Florida has to be one point ahead of New York by the end of next Sunday’s Rangers-Flyers game from the Spectrum.
-- IF Florida goes 3-0-1 (94 points), Rangers can only go 2-1-0 (93). New York at 2-0-1 knocks out the Panthers.
-- IF Florida goes 3-1-0/2-0-2 (93 points), Rangers can go 1-0-2 (93) and make it. A record of 0-0-3 or 1-2 would not cut it.
-- IF Florida goes 2-2-0 (91 points), good luck. Rangers would have to go 0-2-1 (90) for Florida to beat them out.
-- How about 1-0-3 Mr. Richards? Well that’s 92 points. Rangers could go 0-0-3 and make it in. And they would still have one more win to win the tiebreaker. So, Florida could still get in the playoffs with one win in these final four, but they would need three overtime losses and New York to go 0-1-2 or worse.
Jeff, Very interesting scenarios. It would be better for the team confidence if they could win their way in.
And I thought losing Rozsival could be a problem for us. Ouch, Montréal lost both Schneider (season) and Markov (3 weeks). No excuses for tonight.
Jeff, Absolutely no excuse's left for the Rangers. Win all three games and your in.
As for Montreal's injuries ....Oh well that's Hockey. Don't be surprised if Rozi plays tonight.
I am going to the game. Should be an exciting night of Hockey. Will post my thoughts on the game tomorrow.
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