What's Your Opinion?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things have settled down a bit in Rangerland after what I think most would call a "major" overhaul of the roster. I still think that Glen Sather has one more trick up his sleeve before training camp starts. Also, you have the pending outcomes of the Brandon Dubinsky and Nikolai Zherdev contract negotiations/arbitration. Aside from those three situations, there's not much else left to do. So what I want from you die-hard Rangers fans is your opinion and thoughts on all of the moves that were made, how the roster looks, who will make the jump to the big club, etc. I will respond to any and all opinions and comments. Don't be afraid to be brutally honest with your thoughts!

Lastly, I will be playing in the Ron Greschner Foundation's 8th annual golf classic on Monday, July 27th at the Edgewood country club. This is a great event and all proceeds go towards autism research, awareness, and assistance. If you would like to see more information on this event, please check out: www.rongreschnerfoundation.com. Over and out!

Alaska You Say? Fantastic!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I just got back from Anchorage, Alaska after attending the Scotty Gomez Foundation dinner/auction event and let me tell you: it was a fantastic experience. The people of Anchorage should be very proud of the hospitality that they showed towards me and the other guests. I personally want to thank Scott and his dad Carlos who invited me to come up and get a real taste of the Alaskan Way. It was truly enjoyable in every way possible. Myself, Ron Duguay, Ken Daneyko, and Ken’s friend E.J. Solimine flew up together and met some really good people. The list is too long, so I apologize for not naming them. For anyone who has never checked out Alaska, you should check it out and that's all I have to say about that! Oh, and by the way, yours truly managed to finish first in the golf tournament. How? Don't ask, but I think my foursome carried me!

As for the hockey front, I did get a chance to meet and chat with Scott Gomez, Chris Drury, Brandon Dubinsky, Aaron Voros, and the great Willie O'Ree. All were very personable and it was great to have the chance to talk with them. I see while I was away that the New York Rangers had made some noise with the signing of free agent winger, Ales Kotalik (formerly of the Buffalo Sabres and Edmonton Oilers). Nice signing. Good size - and skill to match. Dane Byers has re-upped again and I think it’s time for him to make a splash with the big club, it's time! On a little bit of a down note, Paul Mara has signed with Montreal. Boy, how much money do they have left? I have always liked Mara, he's a good solid d-man and a great team player. I guess it's time to turn a new leaf in Ranger land as this team will yet again look totally different from last year. Is there more changes to come? I think there is. But the who, when, and how is yet to be determined.

Lastly, one of the great characters of all-time in the NHL has passed away in Reggie Fleming. I watched Fleming growing up and he was one tough hombre. I have been fortunate to have heard many stories about Reggie from some of his Ranger teammates and they’ve always been good ones. My condolences goes out to his family and friends!

What's Next for the Blueshirts?

Monday, July 6, 2009

A lot has gone on for the Rangers over the past week. Scott Gomez is no longer a Ranger (I gotta admit, this one shocked me) via a trade for Chris Higgins. The Rangers also signed super star winger Marian Gaborik (or is it Gab-break). There was also a very touchy addition/subtraction with Rangers fans in bringing in Donald Brashear to replace Colton Orr (now with Toronto).

After all the negative emotional reactions to “The Donald” wearing a Rangers jersey, what were the Rangers really to do? Whatever the reasons for not resigning Colton Orr, the bottom line is that they did not resign him and the Rangers needed to fill that spot on the roster. You can all hate on Brashear all that you want, but he is still a bonafide deterrent and the Blueshirts have filled that role with his signing. He will, however, have to win a lot of Rangers diehards over.

What’s going to happen to Callahan, Zherdev, and Dubinsky (the first two of which have filed for arbitration) as far as the contract negotiations. Who is going to step up and be counted on from the youngsters? Grachev? Anisimov? Or will it be someone else?
As far as defense goes, will the healthy stock of d-men in the minors and juniors finally bring the Rangers a jewel? In my opinion, I believe the center spot must be addressed. Also, I know I’m repeating myself from past posts… but a tough, stay at home d-man would be nice, wouldn’t it?

I also believe that GM Glen Sather is not done yet making deals. Could there be a trade on the horizon? Or maybe two? Slats has something up his sleeve, but what? I don’t know for sure, but stay tuned… something must be brewing.

On another note, yours truly has been invited to Alaska to attend the golf tournament put on by the Scotty Gomez Foundation (I believe there will be fishing as well). I want to thank Scott and his dad Carlos for extending this invite and I’m sure it will be a blast! I will have a full report when I get back (Leaving tomorrow, be back sometime this weekend)! In the meantime, check out the Scott Gomez Foundation website at: http://www.scottygomezfoundation.com/

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