Catching Up...

Friday, August 28, 2009

I know I haven’t posted anything for almost 3 weeks now. The reason for that is that I’ve been busy doing some golf outings for charity. Anyways, I also didn’t find the hockey happenings to be that interesting. I’m all for the signing of Vinny Prospal. The price was right, the coach is familiar with him, and the length of the contract is short at 1 year. Nice pick-up, period. Obviously Vinny and Tortorella have had their moments together, both good and bad. Torts has put that aside and knows what he’s getting- that’s all that I need to know.

Other than that, what’s new? The Dubinsky situation is status quo and rumors of Kessel, Heatley, and so on being acquired by the Rangers are floating around like the constant beating of a drum. I’ll believe these rumors when they happen, not before. On to a better subject, who will step into the 5th and 6th and possibly 7th spot on the roster as a defenseman? Unless a trade or two happens, it looks like the top 4 are solidified with Staal, Girardi, Redden, and Rozsival. That means there is job opportunities for a few. The early leader appears to be Matt Gilroy, who I believe is penciled in already because of the contract that he signed (2 years, 3.5 million, 1-way contract). So now we’re down to 2 spots. Will a youngster like Michael Del Zotto be ready? Or will it be Corey Potter’s time? What about Sanguinetti… is he seasoned enough yet? These are some of the names, but you never know, do you? Maybe someone else will stand out in camp and in pre-season. The jobs are there, all a player has to do is sieze the moment and take it. I look forward to this as a former d-man in watching who jumps out and takes the bull by the horns and earns a spot on an NHL roster.

Okay, I said earlier that the news around the NHL is sort of bland or rehashed day after day. So here I go! The Dany Heatley story is getting beyond boring. It kind of reminds me a little of Mats Sundin from last season. Remember that crap? Anyways, here’s my take on it... Heatley is obviously disgruntled in Ottawa. He asked for a trade and it hasn’t happened yet. If he wants out so badly, why doesn’t he just not show up for camp? Force the issue. Heatley has a value and many teams would like his services. GM Bryan Murray is asking a king's ransom for a disgruntled player and no one has stepped up their offers to his liking. Money is not the problem with Heatley- he’s made a fortune. So take the steps you need to take or just stay where you are. Over and out!

Rangers Made the Right Call

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Alright Rangers fans, I know that I'm a little late with my latest post, but now I feel that we have had the time to digest Nik Zherdev's talent and skills being shown the door by Glen Sather. I believe 100% that it was the right move and I commend Glen on making this tough decision. When you look at Zherdev's numbers, you say to yourself, "How could this happen"? Well, to me, it's really simple. This is the NHL where you have to show up every night! Not when you feel like it. Zherdev, unfortunately, fell into that category and it was almost like the second coming of Alexei Kovalev (remember him)? Some nights Zherdev's skating, stickhandling, and overall talent was amazing to witness. On other nights, he would totally disappear. Sorry, that just doesn't cut it with me. Look at Ryan Callahan, for example... while he's not perfect night after night, he will give you his all and that is all about having heart. Nik Zherdev lacked in this department. It's one thing to have the world by the tail, but if you don't have the heart then you just waste the talent. It's sad, but true! The Rangers made the right call on him.

Now, onto Brandon Dubinsky and his rather puzzling situation. I honestly haven't a clue what's going on there. Should be he signed by now? Yes! Is there something holding this signing back? A potential trade or new addition? Obviously center is a weak spot for the Rangers so it's going to be very interesting to see how this ends. Stay tuned!

On to other happenings in the NHL... what were the Chicago Blackhawks thinking when they signed Marian Hossa to that ridiculous contract? Was there a doctor in the house? Just asking... The Dany Heatley story is starting to bore me as well as many other hockey fans. Time to get this situation straightened out once and for all... Last but not least, Theo Fleury. Wow! When's the last time you heard his name? Theo has made some rumblings about playing again in the NHL. Crazy? Probably. But you never know. Over and out!

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