Rangers Do It Again!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What ever the New York Rangers are paying Henrik Lundqvist, it's definitely not enough. The players should pass the hat around the dressing room and hand part of their salaries to The King!In what seems to be a familiar pattern this season, the Rangers pulled another magic track with a 2-1, shut-out victory over the Ottawa Senators on Monday night. A goal by "Fast Freddy" Sjostrom evened the score in the middle of the 3rd period at 1-1. Sjostrom made up for a weak stick check (he should have took the body) on Daniel Alfredsson's goal in the 2nd period that gave Ottawa a 1-0 lead.
Once again, the "powerless play" was in effect. Goal scoring by the Rangers was yet again absent. I don't understand the lack of scoring... the coaches and the players have just got to be numb over it as well. It's mind boggling!The story really was Henrik Lundqvist. The King took on a determined Senators squad, who clearly had many great scoring chances throughout the night. Lundqvist, being his usual calm and cool self, turned away the Senators chances - time after time. The game went to a shoot-out where Nikolai Zherdev fired a 5-hole winner through the legs of Alex Auld. The King did what he does best by shutting out the Sens in their attempts during the shoot-out.
How much longer can the Rangers continue winning with their lack of scoring? It all depends. But, I guess it really just comes down to how long will Henrik Lundqvist allow them to.
By the way, I will be attending Wednesday's game at MSG against the Vancouver Canucks. It should be an interesting affair. Lets go Rangers & over and out!
Kots---Another close one --glad to see how much the scoring has picked up since the rule changes!!!Can you believe Hartsburg left Heatly and Alfredson on the bench and picked that mutt Ruuttu to shoot?? I guess he knows something thats not obvious to the rest of us!!!The more I watch this guy, the more I wonder why Simon stomped on his ankle and not his throat!!!No reason to wait for the right time Saturday--The right time already happened last night--As Ole Jack Burton said in Big Trouble in Little China---"son of a bitch must pay!!
Well were at the quarter pole---I know this much--If your goalie is tops --you win--if you play as a team--you win--if you don't take stupid penalties, and have a good PK--you win--If you play physically--you win--if you make teams pay with a good PP--you win--The way I see it so far thats 3 out of 5--Looks like a B- team to me--I know the record says different, but I know what I see--I see a goalie who is one of the three stars of the game night in and night out---I see lots of games that could go either way(ask Barry Melrose)--I see the Pk team get better scoring chances than we do when were on the PP--And physical??every team grows a foot taller when they play us---B- aint bad,but B- teams don't win the Cup--A+ teams do!!!We need to improve on some thing to get to that level,by thehalf way point--We can't let up--in case some folks haven't noticed, the Pens are right there at our heels--And they don't have to have their goalie be one of the stars of the game--Tese guys SCORE GOALS!!!!Enjoy the City on Wednesday.
mr.hockey: Mr.Hockey nice shot at the NHL rules changes. Scoring still sucks all around and I am with you all the way on this one. The NHL keeps shooting themselves in the foot and they are not "tricking" the real fans.
I was a little surprised with Hartsburg's shoot out choices, but it worked out for the Rangers. Thank you "Henrik".
It's tough to put a grade on this team. The outward appearance of this team looks great, but there are problems that have to be taken care of. Like scoring, PP, and toughness.
I know we all beat the same drum about our beloved Rangers. Hard to really complain, but there are "Glaring" chinks in the armor.
Kots- great to see you blogging. Your sentiments are similar to what all of us are feeling at this time. A leading record (WOW!), squeaking games by in the third period (seven games already this path), but we're sitting here with the most ridiculous power play shambles, low scoring.
It is bittersweet to feel this way, and I've had readers comment on how grateful we should be and 'can't Rangers fans sit back and enjoy the ride'. Well, we can't because we are all waiting for this 'thing' to fall off. Look at Ottawa last year....14 wins in a row, then....goalkeeper disaster.
Hank, please Hank....collect a dollar from each player every time you make a save.
the dark ranger: The Dark Ranger, I am having a great time with the blog. I also write for a Hockey website called "the Fourth Period". Check it out.
After all these years I never could let the "Ranger" in me go. I only played 1 year for the Blue Shirts, but it was the best time of my life. Rangers rule!
I have mixed feelings about this team. While you have to be impressed with the overall record. Defense has been fantastic (Thanks to the "King"). Offense has uh ... well simply put horrible.
In the end as a "player" results are what counts. The results so far have passed the test, but there will have to be some "tweaking" done to address the problems that are evident.
Nice to hear from a fellow Ranger follower and will check you out as well as add you to my Blog site.
Kots---The King and Luongo!!!---Looks like another tight one --- I can only hope that we can bust out with an offensive explosion---something like 3 goals!!!---Canucks are hurting on the backline --lets keep the pressure on the D and grab two pts.
mr.hockey: Mr.Hockey, I was at the game and boy was it ugly. the good part of the game for me was hooking up with Gresch, Ratso, NIcky, and Grech's posse.
Other than that it was a downer all night for the Blueshirts.
Hello Chris, we needed that loss last night to wake this team up a tad...and get Sather to start acting..I hope...the Renney post game interview which I saw glimpses of was alarming to see if it was true..they practice for conditioning..not strategy?? Its time to recall a 7th Defenseman...now...time to sit Roszi and Redden from time to time...these 2 are not preforming up to standards...the open net miss by Redden was shocking for an NHL player...and a sign of mental limitations possibly...to raise a puck by 8" for a goal by an NHL player should not be a difficult task...Powerplay seems like has given up more shories than scored with the man advantage...we have no real slot preasance in the offensive zone and our hitting is not scaring anyone...this team is not ready for a cup run...period
leatherneck: Leatherneck, it was very sluggish game by the Rangers last night. I was there in person and expected better.
Vancouver was clearly the best team on the ice. Lundqvist received no help from his team mates. No excuse.
A complete ass whipping by the Canucks, Breakaways? Shorthanded Goals?, lack of effort?, You name it.
I too believed Redden had scored, but obviously didn't "bury" the damn thing! It's the little things that add up to a loss all around.
I had seats in the "Legends" section of the garden (What was I doing there?).I was real close to the action and it looks like Rozival has lost all of his confidence. He's fighting everything and you could see it on his face.
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