Three Games In...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Well, we are officially 3 games into the 2009-10 NHL regular season. The New York Rangers are currently sporting a 2-1-0 (4 pts) record... not bad. So far, so good!

The new style of play is very refreshing to see. This team will continue to be aggressive, exciting, and scary all at the same time. With the top line of Gaborik, Dubsinky, and Prospal- the Rangers now have a line that puts fear into the eyes of the opposition. Opposing teams will definitely have to account for them when they are playing the Rangers. If they don't, well, they will be in for a long night! Overall the forwards will be in a "go" mode and not be held back by an overbearing defensive style.
The new additions of Gilroy and Del Zotto (as well as the returning cast) have brought both some good moments and some scary ones in this early part of this season. Really though, how can you not like what the defensive youth brings to the team? There will be breakdowns, there will be lots of odd man rushes, but over time the Rangers will tighten it up on the defensive end (Torts will make sure of that).
One thing is for sure though: there will be no restraints put on the attacking offensive style that Coach Tortorella is trying to install. The real early test will come on Thursday night in Ovechkin Land. Can the Rangers seek a measure of revenge for last year's 7-game playoff exit at the hands of the Capitals? You'll have to tune in to see. Over and out!
Hi Chris, the boys came to the swamp and got their butts handed to them for the first 84 seconds until the Devils scored the first goal. Torts called that time out and chewed them out. Our boys responded with a goal of their own by 19 yr old Del Zotto to tie it. The entire team played with heart tonight. Even the 4th line had some important and meaningful minutes. Lundquist was .... well Lundquist, who seems to have the Devil's number. I like our young D - Men -- Del Zotto - Gilroy - Girardi & Staal, but Redden and Rozsival scare the hell out of me when they are on the ice, especially Redden. Maybe Torts should evaluate his veteran D-men's play to see if changes should be made. I know that it is only the third game, but I can't see Redden or Rozsival having any upside, DO YOU ?? Over all, this was an enjoyable win, anytime you beat the Devils home or away. Now, we must beat the CLOWN Ovechkin. Lets Go Rangers ----- Geno
Geno, Tort's gave them a little "Old Time Hockey". I hope he didn't hurt anyone's feelings LOL.
The kids on the D will be all right. You have let learn by playing them. Hopefully the others will pick it up or.......?
Ovechkin and his merry men will be tough and a good test for the boys.
hey chris, not to be reduntant,we all know that del zotto,gilroy are good first year players, i think also there play will force redden and rozsival to step, up force there hand to play better. these kids play to win everynight.its also refreshing to see dubinsky play like his agent thought he could.
as i said before also, i think coach tortorella felt he was on the verge of an embarassing night, when he called that time out and blasted them.thats coaching as we all know it, and to see that behind the bench is refreshing,and not being intimadated by the money players.i know coach tortorella and vinnie prospal have a history,but both have said there looking foward to was a good game and a good win.
Boy, have things changed... we went from not being able to score a goal to save our lives last year... to what looks to be somewhat of a decent offense this year!
I'm also very excited about the young defenders. I'm happy they kept Del Zotto up instead of "seasoning" him. I hope he shows enough to warrant the stay past the 9 games. 3 points in 3 games already, damn good start. I can't see anyone from within taking his spot anyway.
Also very happy to beat the Devils... AGAIN.
Greg M, You are dead on with your analysis with Gilroy and Del Zotto pushing the Vets. Sometimes you need that.
I've spoken to Tortorella he's all about winning and not worrying about someones feelings. If you are not on board with his expectations you will be held accountable or worse.
What he did with that timeout was beautiful in my book. He certainly got there attention LOL.
When was the last time we saw those wearing Blue actually being Coached? Refreshing and it was an earned turnaround win and our coach deserves much of the credit.
Wrath, It's a nice change to actually watch a potentially explosive offense. With time and familiarity I believe this team will have no problem scoring.
Del Zotto doesn't need to learn his craft back in JR. Everything he needs to learn now is in the NHL.
Dark, No question. I loved the timeout, it was perfect and got straight to the point LOL.
Tort's coached and the team responded. Simple concept isn't it?
coach tortorella should be credited if not with the game winner, than at least an
Greg M, Absolutely! Tortorella was first star in my book.
I think it is worth repeating that we have not seen this side of a Rangers team in quite some time. There is a whiff of youthful exuberance, which is nice and refreshing. Do they look like Stanley Cup contenders? Probably not (at least not yet). But are they busting their butts and grinding it out? You bet. I will happily watch that for 82 games (and hopefully more), rather than see Redden trying to pretend he is still an NHL defenseman. He looks lost, slow, and is getting softer by the minute (everything you want in your highest paid D-man). At one point during the Versus broadcast, Olczyk credited Redden with clearing someone out of the crease. While I did not see that "clearing" (all I saw was Redden hitting the ice face first), the whole situation developed when Redden himself just coughed up the puck to the Devils without being pressured that much. How long do you think Torts will keep playing him? I would say that once the Rangers find that veteran D-man to replace Semenov, the clock on Redden will begin to tick big time.
We always wondered what the team would look like if they relied more on youth. We are starting to find out.
Callahan, Dubinsky, Girardi, Staal, Gilroy, Del Zotto, Anisimov -- you have to like what you are seeing.
There will be rough spots but the team can skate and is entertaining to watch.
Has anyone noticed that Avery has yet to play?
Jason, It is nice to watch this kind of Hockey. The results may not be what we want every night, but it certainly keeps you interested.
Last night the Ranger's got a tongue lashing (Great time out by Tort's) and responded to it. They adjusted and came out with a win.
If the team gets to the point of being a serious contender (It could Happen) only then will Tort's begin to wonder who's the weak link.
Tony V, I believe finally the Ranger Scouting and Drafting is starting to pay off.
This is exactly what the organization needed. The Kids will push the Vets and that can only make the team stronger in the end.
Trust me I know Avery has yet to play and he will be a welcomed addition when he finally suits up.
you know i cant help but be expierencing a little de javu here, with the likes of Callahan, Dubinsky, Girardi, Staal, Gilroy, Del Zotto, Anisimov.i cant count how many times the rangers have traded away such good tallent for guys at the end of there career, or guys that just cant hack playing in new york(no need to list them,we all know) that they have the talent, they need to be nurtured some, lets face facts these kids have been thrown to the wolves(msg)and 3 games into it there holding there own.....playing in ny isnt boston university or friggin kalamazoo
Greg M, Didn't they write a song about "If you can make there, you'll make it anywhere" LOL.
You give it your all and the NY fans appreciate you. You don't and you get what you deserve.
New York is the greatest city in the world to play "Professional Sports" everything else is second. However you need to have tough skin at the same time.
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